Corporate philosophy PHILOSOPHY

Creating new ways of living with magnets

The rooms we each live in. The places we spend time in. The spaces we live in.
We want to make the things we use in our daily lives more convenient, more flexible, and more comfortable.

We want to make all of those things come true: "That would be convenient," "I wish this existed," and "I wish I could do that."

All of us involved with Magbase will work together to bring various possibilities to life.
Use your creativity to change the conventional wisdom of storage and interior design.

I don't know what the answer is.
But even so, that's exactly why you should just go for it.

More together. More freedom. More yourself.

Let's overturn what we have taken for granted until now with magnets.


  1. Creating a chain of excitement.
    To do that, I first need to get excited about it.

    Emotions are contagious.
    That's why I want it to be a source of positive emotions.
    If you are excited about your work, the people around you will also start to feel excited.
    That excitement will surely bring a smile to someone's face.
    Those smiles will surely continue to spread.
    If you feel like you can make the world a little better by doing that,
    I'm sure every day will be more exciting.

  2. Continue to exceed expectations

    I want to amaze people by making them say, "You can do that?!"
    I want to make the other person happy by saying, "You even did this for me?!"
    With this in mind, we want to exceed the expectations of our customers. And continue to do so.
    It's also about continuing to exceed your own expectations.
    Let's go beyond the imagination of others, ourselves, and the world.

  3. Manufacturing that will never disappoint

    An exciting project. Attention to detail. Perseverance right up to the very end.
    The thoughts behind each and every job come from many different places.
    We never cut corners, use our imagination, and create products that we will never regret.
    This is a way of working that does not betray either yourself or others.

  4. Every job is my own

    Work takes up the majority of our waking hours.
    It's definitely my time.
    It's no fun to spend time thinking about other people's problems.
    If it's not fun, you can't do a good job.
    So, let's all take any job as our own.

  5. Think about how to make it fun

    Work isn't all fun and games.
    There are many painful and difficult things.
    But that's why I think about how to make it more fun.
    Think about how to make it exciting.
    There's more than one way.
    Find your own way to enjoy whatever your job is.

  6. Giving shape to what you wish existed or what you wish you could do.

    "I wish there was something like this" "I wish I could do this"
    It's all seeds of possibility.
    Never ignore that species.
    Let's imagine what kind of life will become possible after that.
    The world is still full of "more".

  7. We work at a speed that other companies cannot match.

    Time is equal for everyone.
    How you use that time will determine your growth, achievements, and results.
    That's why you need to value your own time and the time of others.
    Please don't work in a way that takes away someone else's time.
    It's not a matter of whether you can do it or not, just give it a try.
    If you are unsure of what to do, seek advice immediately.
    There's no point in feeling confused.
    Let's take action first.
    Only then can better things be born.

  8. Value care and consideration

    Even if you think something, it won't be conveyed unless you put it into words.
    Even if you have an idea, it won't get across unless you take action.
    If it doesn't get through to the other person, it's the same as not existing.
    So, show your concern and consideration through your words and actions.
    Let's deliver it to the other person properly.

  9. Share your joys and sorrows

    When I'm working, I feel a variety of emotions.
    That's why my job is interesting.
    Let's celebrate happy things together.
    Let's laugh together about fun things.
    When something is sad, let's grieve together.
    Let's regret the things that are frustrating together.
    Let's overcome the hardships together.
    That's how we move forward together.

  10. Enjoy the change of times

    The times are changing rapidly.
    That is why maintaining the status quo is the first step towards decline.
    Let's be flexible and enjoy the changing times.
    So that you are never left behind.